The 11th Training Course on Tropical Infectious Diseases
The 11th Training Course on Tropical Infectious Diseases, organized by Osaka University and supported by R.E.P., was held from 21 July to 2 August, 2019. Seven trainees selected from more than 20 applicants of Japanese medical doctors participated in this training course this year. In the first half of the training course, the trainees stayed in the Thai-Myanmar border towns, Mae Sot and Umphang, and then moved to Khon Kaen in the northeast of Thailand. During this training course, they learned about many tropical diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya fever, tsutsugamushi disease, and melioidosis, of which cases are hardly seen in Japan. In addition, the trainees had a chance to visit Karen villages and refugee camps near the Thai-Myanmar border, where they had an important experience to consider issues relating to refugees, transnational health control, and health care in remote areas.

Lecture from Professor of Mahidol University

Laboratory examination of malarial parasites

At Umphang hospital with the director of Umphang hospital

At a Karen village